Supporting You
How we can support you
The North Somerset LGBT+ Forum runs social groups, events and drop-ins for our local communities, and details of these can be found by reading our Newsletters or following our social media platforms. We aim to provide members of our community with safe spaces to connect with others, reduce isolation, build confidence and meet new people.
The North Somerset LGBT+ Forum is not an emergency or crisis support service, and we are unable to provide advice relating to mental health, medical issues or legal matters. We recognise however that there may be times when members of our community need support, so we recommend accessing the following external services:
External Services
Mental Health
If you or someone else is in danger, call 999 or go to A&E now
If you need help urgently for your mental health, but it's not an emergency, get help from NHS 111 online or call 111
Your mental health is as important as your physical health. You will not be wasting anyone's time.
If you require non-emergency support for your mental health, the following services are available:
Samaritans: 116 123 (open all year 24/7)
Bristol Mindline: 0808 808 0330
Mind Helpline Phone: 0300 123 3393 (Mon to Fri, 9am to 6pm)
National Domestic Abuse Helpline for support and information for anyone experiencing domestic violence. Phone: 0808 200 247 (24hrs a day)
Click on the icons below for additional details about support services available:
Support for Children & Young People
LGBT+ Support Services
Gender Support Services
Other Local Support Services
Support for young people with eating disorders
Talking and listening groups for men
Local BME charity
Somerset-wide sexual health service
HIV and sexual health services
Over-50s support
Please note
The services listed above are third parties to the North Somerset LGBT+ Forum and as such the Forum cannot be held responsible for any advice, signposting or referrals that arise from contacting them. Inclusion of a service on this page is not to be considered an endorsement or recommendation by the North Somerset LGBT+ Forum. Please read all information available on the above services' websites before making contact to ensure they are an appropriate service for your needs.
Useful Information
For printable information about our charity, please feel free to access our downloadable leaflets. Click below to download:
NSLGBT+ Forum - Information Leaflet
NSLGBT+ Forum - What's On Pamphlet
Please print leaflets in colour at original size, on both sides of paper, flipped on short edge for the best results
Alternatively, feel free to visit our office on Meadow Street to collect resources in person.